
The College Transition

Savanna Thompson
About Savanna: ...

Celebration of Advent

Krystal Brummitt
In order to fully immerse ourselves in this season of Advent, we have to start at the very beginning and ask one simple question: Why? ...

Hearts Beating High

Chip Bugnar
I recently came across a quote from Mary Slessor, a missionary to Nigeria in the early 1900s, that refuses to be filed away in my Evernote system. ...

Why Read the Whole Bible?

Krystal Brummitt
If you were to flip through the back of my Bible, you would notice a lot of underlining, highlighting, and notes in the margins. Should you flip through the Old Testament, however, you would notice...
Stories,  College

Wrestling With the Hard Questions

Brook Hills Contributor
Gathering together to know our Father deeper, being consistent in fellowship, and discussing the gospel with the lost are all acts of obedience and worship to God.
Stories,  College

The Mission Doesn't Change

Brook Hills Contributor
We aren’t to be any less intentional, driven, or excited about ministry because we are in our homeland.

One Student at a Time

Stephanie Fain
Will you join us in this prayer and mission? Will you join us this year in our desire to reach the world one student at a time?

Embracing Change

Rocky Mayo
Trusting in the God who never changes and always keeps His promises is essential to faithfully walking through the countless transitions that life throws at us.

Seeking Joy

Brook Hills Contributor
The joy that God gives us is rooted in everything that He has done for us. To preserve that joy, we have to fight to keep our hope in Him by reading His Word and spending time with Him.

Relationships Fuel the Mission

Brook Hills Contributor
I wonder if many of us realize the importance our relationship with other believers and our involvement in the local church plays in our role of disciple-making.

The Heart of Disciple-Making

Christina Ellis
Spending time together on Monday nights is for loving Jesus, growing in Jesus, and teaching these girls to do the same.

Life Conquering Death

Brook Hills Contributor
I desperately wanted to believe in God, but I was so caught up in my apathy, self-loathing, and distrust that I found myself only pushing Him away.